Regeneration Strategies and Advisory Service
Bob Beth
Bob Beth is a true wayfinder. A perpetual pioneer who has spent his life reveling in the mapping of uncharted waters, Bob’s visionary thought weaves systems thinking and advanced technologies with ancient and indigenous wisdom. Banks, Governments, Fortune 500 companies, NGOs, seek this wise counsel.
They seek his capacity to bring clarity to vision and vision to life. To do this, Bob leans on his extensive experience in a wide variety of roles to guide, direct and nudge.
CEO, Visionary, Founder, Entrepreneur, CTO, Clean Energy and Zero Emissions Advisor, Senior Partner, Board Advisor, Regenerative Financier, Keynote Speaker, Software Engineer, Accountant, Mentor, Elder of Excellence and South Pacific Sailor. The many hats are a testament to his deep curiosity and renaissance learning capacity.
To know Bob is to marvel at his attention to detail, boundless stories, extensive network of global change makers and his zest for life. A true wayfinder, Bob is most at home when seemingly lost at sea.
Regeneration Strategies and Advisory Service
Cultural Regeneration
Bob is a staunch advocate for indigenous led energy development. He was lead visionary advisor to Seneca Solar, an emerging new energy unit of the Native American-owned Seneca Holdings, LLC. as well in service to Iwi as Developers of Green Hydrogen Market Opportunities for Aotearoa New Zealand
Regeneration Strategies and Advisory Services
As a lifelong tech startup pro, equally to small startups and global companies, Bob brings deep expertise in unlocking unprecedented opportunities through cross-sector mashups in service to the urgent transition to a Life Sustaining Society. His thought leadership and vision has shaped the Impact Procurement Network (IPN17.COM), Aotearoa Hydrogen Alliance (AHA-NZ.Energy) and the Murikihu Regeneration Programme.
Redetermination of Mission and Purpose
Bob has the tremendous ability to sharpen the collective mission and purpose of human endeabours. As technology visionary for Charter for Compassion, which emerged from the TEDTalk’s 2008 TEDPrize, Bob’s guidance led this to become the largest network in the global compassion movement.
Clean Energy
Since 2014, Bob has acted as a Special Advisor to the World Business Academy’s Clean Energy Moonshot. He collaborates globally to share and scale the Academy’s thought leadership and relationships in accelerating the adoption of a Zero Carbon Economy. Bob brings whole system thinking and can do optimism to the daunting imperative to transform the global energy system at climate mobilization pace.
Earth Healing Tokenomics
Bob was the first member Board of Advisor of, the world’s first voluntary, verified carbon removal exchange based on blockchain and cryptocurrency. He facilitated the partnership between NORI and US Dept of Agriculture plus Colorado State University to integrate COMET Farm, the key tool for carbon sequestration baselines.
Advanced Technology and Business Innovations
Bob brings his perspective and experience from a four-decade involvement in advanced computer technology. He thrives at the leading edge of innovative disruptions, having spent his career starting ventures that utilize advanced technologies and innovations in business models and human potential understandings to help new or existing companies leap well ahead of the competition often into uncharted new opportunities.