Site Stories
Location, location, location
We’ve been telling the story of place for quite some time. Our pioneering approach to big data analysis helped Apple determine the best locations for their world-renowned stores. We look at place from every angle. It is beyond feasibility. It is a process of courtship. A deepening of a relationship where we write the story of place. We call these Site Stories.
Apple Store – Union Square – San Francisco
Site Story – Freeman’s Farm
In response to the recent floods that devastated towns across South East Queensland and the Northern Rivers, the Oceania Regenerative Network has stepped up to an efficacy study to determine to what extent Freeman’s farm in Currumbin Valley, Queensland could sustain some significant number of the 600,000 Gold Coast residents, 95% of the population, through disaster.
This is the initial site map engagement to begin the conversation on how Freeman’s Farm with the right planning, strategy and investment can be a key pillar in the Gold Coast’s resiliency planning.
Oceania Regenerative Network’s mission is to Regenerate the Regenerators by supporting those with the capacity to lead the next stage in the regeneration of this planet. We action this via funding, consultancy and strategic alliances for projects across Oceania.
We are currently working on substantial projects across Australia and New Zealand with prospective projects in Vanuatu and Papua New Guinea.